How safe are you on the Web?

In the early days, the internet was sold to us as this great library of knowledge that was going to connect the whole world in a singular share of information and that in order for humanity to evolve, we needed to embrace this new technological breakthrough. Now that isn’t far from the truth but with any penny, there are two sides and a certain number of individuals found various ways of gathering information on people, not to help them or anything good but to then twist the information for exploitation, bullying and even destruction of families, communities, corporations and even topple governments by inciting fear and igniting fires in all the wrong places.

Be careful how and when you use the internet because there are various tools out there that allow “A**holes” and “Monsters” to access you internet live feeds or gain access to you emails and bank accounts and clean you dry. Hacking communities with nefarious intentions have cropped up over the years and not all of them are government sponsored.

But do not worry your pretty little head about it, there are ways to secure yourself on the net. You can employ the use of VPN services and hack-prevention browsers like TOR Browser that take steps to hide your identity and ensure some privacy on the net without worrying about hackers or being tagged by the “zealots” for doing research that that they deem “Taboo”.

So my fellow travelers in this universe called life, as we await on Mr. Musk to get to Mars and bring us some beautiful Martian ladies or potentially start a galactic dispute and war – Be safe on your journeys of discoveries and God Bless. Boa Sorte, Todo Mundo.

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